Easter Communion Still Life with Chalice of Wine and Bread

Bread, Broken & Shared

Bread, Broken & Shared

Bread, Broken & Shared

A video and discussion series designed to foster a deeper understanding of the ​Eucharist, its history, and the role it plays in our lives as Catholics today.

Thursdays in June from 5:30-7:00pm in St. Sebastian’s Adult Formation Room

A video and discussion series designed to foster a deeper understanding of the ​Eucharist, its history, and the role it plays in our lives as Catholics today.

Thursdays in June from 5:30-7:00pm in St. Sebastian’s Adult Formation Room

A video and discussion series designed to foster a deeper understanding of the ​Eucharist, its history, and the role it plays in our lives as Catholics today.

Thursdays in June from 5:30-7:00pm in St. Sebastian’s Adult Formation Room

Breaking Bread

Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist

Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist is a documentary available on Formed. ​Its three episodes explore the truth and beauty of Christ's real presence in the ​Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of ​the Church and her members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of ​salvation.

We will watch one episode of Presence each week, followed by a group ​discussion. The full schedule with episode descriptions is below. For our last ​session, we’ll discuss the book The Beautiful Eucharist, the upcoming National ​Eucharistic Congress, and the role of the Eucharist in our Catholilc lives ​today.

Will there be real bread?

Of course! Bread and wine will be available for participants to enjoy. Not a ​bread or wine drinker? Feel free to bring your own munchies or sign up to ​bring something to share with the group!

Easter Communion Still Life with Chalice of Wine and Bread

Thursday, June 6 - God is With Us

God has prepared a meal for us and invites us to a table where we can bask in one ​another’s presence and grow in love for each other.

Thursday, June 13 - The Story of the Eucharist

God is the Master Storyteller. He authors His great love story not only with words, but with ​deeds. All of God's mighty deeds throughout history make up one beautiful narrative of ​salvation, which culminates in the Paschal Mystery.

Thursday, June 20 - Bread for the Journey

As indispensable as material food is to our physical life, the Eucharist is even more vital to ​our spiritual life. It sustains and strengthens us for our life's journey. It is, as Monsignor ​Ronald Knox once said, "the day's food for the day's march."

Thursday, June 27 - The Eucharist in Our Lives

What is the significance of the Eucharist in our modern lives? We’ll discuss The Beautiful ​Eucharist and the National Eucharistic Congress taking place in Indiana in July.

Miss a session? You can view Presence on your own!

Every St. Sebastian and St Catherine parishioner has access to Formed. Just go to ​www.formed.org and register for an account. When prompted, select “St Sebastian ​Parish” from the menu. Through our paid account you will then have access to all of ​the Formed content!

Questions? Contact Jessica Quintanilla at jquintanilla@saintsebs.org